Best High School Boys Basketball Team Winners Mfantsipim School

Mfantsipim School Basketball Head Coach Isaac Kobina Mensah has voiced his desire to see Ghana have a National Basketball Team that competes on the international stage.

He made this desire clear in an exclusive interview with in the aftermath of the Basketball Honours held recently at the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) Headquarters.

Mensah won the Best High School Coach (Boys Division) Award at the event after leading Mfantsipim to win the Sprite Ball Championship five times and compete in nine finals in the Championship.

Isaac Mensah

I want to see Ghana having a national basketball Under 17 team so when we groom them from the basic school or at the SSS (Senior High School) level we need to see them …playing” he said. (Click highlighted text to watch full interview)

Mfantsipim (red) v WASS

Ghana’s track record competing in international competitions especially those run by FIBA have been shabby due to chronic finances that have bedeviled the West African nation.

Mfantsipim was named the Best High School in the Boys Division for their remarkable run in Ghana’s biggest High School basketball competition.

KETABUSCO (green) v Mfantsipim in 2020 Sprite Ball Final

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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