LBF Representative Jonas Vainauskas speaks to Players after exhibition game in Takoradi can confirm Lithuania Basketball Federation (LBF) Representative Jonas Vaianauskas, who visited Ghana to undertake an assessment of the state of basketball in the country, has returned home after concluding the first phase of the exercise.

Vainauskas led an entourage that included Ghana Basketball Association (GBBA) Vice President (Administration and Finance) Alex Kukula and International Basketball University (IBU) West Africa Director Richard Borsah to tour locations in Ghana’s southern sector during the assessment.

From Left to Right: Eric Tetteh, Borsah, GBBA President Van-Ess, Vainauskas, GBBA Vice Kukula

The visit formed part of activities agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the GBBA and LBF and GBBA and IBU late in 2021.

KNUST v Kumasi Select Side (All Black) in an exhibition game during the GBBA-LBF/IBU visit.

The second phase of assessment is scheduled to take place in February at locations in Ghana’s northern sector. During the visit several meetings were held with leading personalities connected to regional basketball associations.

Snapshot from Men’s exhibition game in Accra.

A series of exhibition games were played during the visit where outstanding players were selected to form the basis of a national select side that would undergo changes and training prior to a trip to Lithuania in August.

Players involved in an exhibition game in Takoradi

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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