2019 CAP7 Champions Braves

2021 Accra Basketball League (ABL) Women’s Division title contender has started well in the recently commenced season by bagging a win in its league opener.

Police (white) v Braves in 2019 Accra Basketball League Women’s Finals

Braves beat Ghana Army 49-43 in the earliest of three games played on Friday, July 30 at the Prisons Court in Cantonments in Accra.

The Group B matchup had the 2019 League Finalist secure a six point win and match bitter rival Ghana Police Service winning start to the new season.

Gyampo handles ball against Galaxy (all black)

In the final game played in the Women’s Division, Basketball School Academy (BSA) also recorded a six point win in its league debut.

The team spotting several young players beat Tudu Galaxy Academy 32-26 despite the latter team parading a handful of experienced players in the league.

A 17-7 first quarter start was key in BSA’s first win as the team missed free throw late on in the game. Galaxy had a strong finish to close out the contest.

Warriors (red) v Leopards

Adenta Leopards recorded a 58-34 win over Kawukudi Warriors in the Men’s Division I.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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