In an exclusive interview with, immediate past Spintex Knights Basketball Club Coach Dr. Eric Opoku-Antwi stated new Coach Thomas Amediku has the “trusted support” of the team.

Spintex Knights made the switch from Dr. Opoku-Antwi to the young Amediku in late April ahead of the new Tema Community Basketball League season.

The 2020 campaign is yet to have a start date due to the ban on social gatherings in Ghana as a preventive measure to the Corona Virus pandemic. At the time of writing, the Virus has infected little over 4000 people in Ghana.


With the sudden change in technical heads, the team could head in the wrong direction after a stellar campaign in its debut season in 2019.

However, Dr. Opoku-Antwi dissuaded such assertions by stating:

Dr. Opoku-Antwi

“With the new direction that the Spintex Knights is moving to, we know that Coach Thomas (Amediku) is the right person to handle the team. Coach Thomas is solely in charge of the team with trusted support from the team’s founding members and the playing body. We know he will do exploits with the team”.


Knights missed out on the League title after losing to Nungua Coldstore in the Finals Series.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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