The GSP Basketball League is the basketball competition to be halted in the wake of the Corona Virus spread in Ghana in recent days.

The West African nation has recorded nine confirmed cases of infection since the first case was detected under a week ago. A nationwide month ban on all social gatherings including sporting activities has been declared by Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo.

Defending Champs Young Boys

In line with the directive from the President and to safe guard the health of stake holders in the league, the league’s directors decided to suspend the 2019-2020 campaign.

This means no league games are to be played for at least a month with more games likely to be affected even after the ban due to the presence of teams set to compete in the 2020 Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship.

CUCG (white) v STU in 2019 UPAC.

Sunyani Technical University (STU) and Catholic University College, Ghana (CUCG) Saints are competing in the league this season; University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) competed in previous seasons and won the 2016-2017 title.

This year’s UPAC has been suspended until further notice due to the Corona Virus. Below is a full statement of the suspension:

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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