
Co Founder of Giants of Africa (GOA), a Not for Profit-Organization, Godwin Owinje has stated the key to developing basketball is by improving standards at the grass root level.

He made this statement in a press conference debriefing the media on activities carried out at this year’s GOA Camp held in Prestea.

The camp had 54 young players selected from several parts of Ghana participate in the three day program. This year’s camp was in partnership with mining firm Golden Star Resources and the third edition.

Golden Star constructed two basketball courts for the program which double as recreation centers for the Western Regional town.

The campers were tutored by world class coaches on the GOA team with a few selected local based trainers participating in the program aimed at raising the next generation of leaders.

“This year’s camp is a genuine partnership between Giants of Africa and Golden Star it was a huge success…they made sure all our needs are met. To move Ghana basketball from A to point B it has to start from the grass root, we have to encourage kids to start playing the game young because when they start playing basketball at 6,7,8,9 or even 10, as they grow to become teenagers, the game becomes part of them and that’s hoe the skill level is going to improve” Owinje stated.

GOA has held similar camps in several nations on the continent including Nigeria since 2003.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@YawMintYM on Twitter


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