Second from Left Braves Guard Jeffrey Djimatey joins Pillars players for a group photo.

Braves duo Baniba Dodzie and Suleman Abubakar sandwich Pillars Guard Usman Abubakar.
Braves of Customs have lost its final game of the 2017 FIBA Africa Zone 3 Club Championship game against defending champions Kano Pillars.

Customs lost 46-66 to Pillars at the National Stadium in Lagos, Nigeria; the win means Pillars have successfully defended its title without losing a tie in the competition.

The game ends the week long competition which tipped off on November 11 and had six teams from Ghana, Nigeria and Benin compete.

Ghana’s representative, Braves end the tournament with two wins against Civil Defence and Aspac of Benin.

However, Customs lost ties against Nigerian trio Mark Mentors, Gombe Bulls and Pillars; the 20 point loss to Kano was the final game on the last day of competition.

The loss means Braves miss out on a place at the main championship with the honor falling on Pillars and Bulls.

Braves end the tourney in fourth place; after clinching the Zonal title, Pillars placed fourth at the main championship in Egypt.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@YawMintYM on Twitter


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