Ghana Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah.
Media Coordinator Asiedu.
From Left to Right: Ghana Federation President Max Vardon, Australian Commissioner Barnes, Agbasi and Media Coordinator Sandy Asiedu.
Ghana Wheelchair Basketball Federation National Media Coordinator Sandy Asiedu has lashed out at the country’s Sports Ministry claiming the government body disrepects his organization.

He made the statement in an exclusive interview with following the National Male Wheelchair team’s failure to compete in the African World Cup qualifiers.

The qualifiers take place in South Africa from Novemeber 17 to November 28 and winners in the male and female categories will represent the continent at the 2018 World Cup in 2018.

Ghana’s Sports Minsitry requested the team withdraw from the tournament due to financial challenges; Ghana has been replaced by Kenya as a result of the sitiation.

“After three weeks of back and fourth deliberations, emergency meetings with the sports ministry…to understand how important this opportunity would market Ghana to the world but unfortunately the lack of respect for what we do and the para sport is not important to them, the international body (IWBF) did all they could to help us by giving the ministry time to change their decision of Ghana’s withdrawal but finally gave up and replaced team Ghana with Kenya. As a body, we believe there’s always hope so this should not stop us from doing great things with para sports, GOD BLESS us all” he said.

Ghana also faces a $10,000 fine for withdrawing from the competition.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@YawMintYM on Twitter


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