Leopards Edem Quist did not play against Fire.
Tema, in white, obliterated Leopards in a previous game.

Leopards (yellow) outscored Fire from away from the basket.
Accra Basketball League (ABL) Men’s Division I debutant Adenta Leopards has ended the first half of the season on a winning note thanks to a close 67-64 win over Fire Service in midweek games played at the Lebanon House in Tudu.

Aside ensuring the team goes into the break on a winning note, the win also ensures Adenta ended a three game losing run which threatened to curtail the side’s chances of staying in the division despite starting the season well with two wins from two games.

Beating Fire in midweek was fascinating considering Leopards had just seven players available and no Point Guard.

That situation forced Guard-Forward Muhaimin Guba to fill the spot which culminated in his best game of the season thus far.

As excellent as the Emmanuel Wolff- led shooters were, Leopards big men Paul Nsakie and Charles Anna were equally brilliant gobbling rebounds.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@YawMintYM on Twitter


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