Musician Okyeam Kwame was on hand to congratulate the team.
Old Boy Rodney Nkrumah Boateng with Sprite Ball Trophy.

Reigning Sprite Ball Championship Opoku Ware School (OWASS) made a much awaited live appearance on top rated TV basketball show Courtside.

The show which airs on Sundays between 14:00 and 16:00 GMT on local channel Kwese Free Sport hosted the boy’s division champions for the first time since lifting the coveted trophy in December.

Members of the playing body and technical team including Coach Alexander “KT” Obeng Takyi were present on set to relive moments of their epic journey from the Ashanti Regional Basketball Championship, preliminary games at the main championship to winning the ultimate trophy.

Prominent member of the school’s alumni Rodney Nkrumah Boateng accompanied the team and stated former students are preparing a massive gift for the team. He also disclosed plans were far advance to improve Opoku Ware’s court by providing seats for supporters lighting.

The side beat record winners Mfantsipim School 27-25 in the final game to lift the trophy for the first time in the school’s history. OWASS’s’ win was the first for Ashanti Region in the competition’s boys division.

Captain Harris Awudu and Point Guard Emmanuel Opare also spoke of their experiences playing in the competition; both players will not feature in next year’s Championship. Last year’s Championship coincided with the tenth anniversary celebration.


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