
The back and forth between Chris Bosh and the Miami Heat has been ongoing ever since February’s All-Star break, and with the season weeks away, his return is still questionable. Bosh wants to return though and is growing frustrated at the Heat’s reluctance to let him come back. The Heat also would like him to play, but since the issue at hand is his health, they’re being rightfully cautious.

Despite this difference of opinion, it does look like a solution could be agreed upon relatively soon. According to the Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson, there is now “growing optimism” that the Heat will allow Bosh to return and play on a blood thinners:

There is growing optimism about Chris Bosh being cleared by the Heat to resume his career while remaining on blood thinners, according to a union source.

Bosh pitched the Heat on playing late last season, while taking a new form of blood thinner that would be out of his system in eight hours or so. The Heat resisted that approach at that time but is now more open than it had been to Bosh playing while on blood thinners, according to the source.

Whether Bosh would be able to play in every game, such as the second set of back-to-backs, remains to be seen.
But barring a setback in the next few weeks, it would be surprising if Bosh isn’t cleared to play.

From a basketball standpoint, this would be huge for the Heat. With Dwyane Wade leaving for Chicago, Bosh gives them a legitimate star and makes Miami an instant playoff contender in the East. Scoring was likely going to be a problem for Miami, but that would all change if Bosh returns. The Heat can give the ball to Bosh and run their offense through him, giving them an All-Star dynamic that could help them be one of the top eight teams in the East.


Bosh being cleared to play would also be a feel-good story in a general sense as well. What Bosh is dealing with health-wise could be potentially life threatening yet he is persevering and staying positive. This is something we all can empathize with and relate to from a human being standpoint. Plus Bosh is one of the most altruistic players in the league and is well respected. The NBA will be in a better place if he can return, which perhaps we are finally moving closer to seeing actually happening.

Courtesy: CBS Sports


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