
University of Connecticut Captain and NBA prospect Amida Brimah will leave Ghana for the US today as he preps up for his final season in college.

The seven foot Center vacationed in the West African country following an injury riddled season which had the Huskies eliminated in the second of the national championship tournament.

However, Brimah stated his readiness to move on from last season and focus on getting a good season to increase his position in next year’s draft.

“If I had a great season, that would have definitely been in the plans(going to the NBA)… my finger kind of hindered me and you can’t dwell on something that happened in the past and am ready to let it go and it’s my senior year and I have to get better” he said in an interview with

Heading into his final year at UConn, the 22 year old Ghanaian is hoping to be the second ever Ghanaian-born player to be drafted into the NBA following former Providence College standout Ben Bentil’s entry this year as the 51st pick.

Bentil’s spiked production in his second season earned him a spot on Boston Celtics roster and Brimah would be looking to emulate his countryman’s feat.


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