
Ghana Wheel Chair Basketball Federation President Max Vardon (right) has indicated his federation is doing its best to promote the sport but face dire financial challenges which have limited the chances of making this possible.

Speaking to after appearing on premium basketball program “Fast Break”, he singled out financial challenges as a major headache that has stalled the federation’s programs. He cited Ghana’s failure to qualify for the Africa Paralympics in Morocco as an example.


“…essentially lack of logistics and resources. To be able to select a national team we really need a pool of talent and one of the things we need to get underway is a regional tournament. That basically means having facilities in all the regions, having equipment and having coaching expertise. We have not had these logistics” he said.

His statement reiterated Media Coordinator of the federation Sandy Asiedu’s call for financial support for the team in a training session held at Accra Polytechnic.

Despite the acute financial situation the federation faces, it is expected to have fund three officials’ trip to Morocco for technical training during the Paralympic Games in July.

Coach of the national side, Elvis Kosi Allapui expressed optimism in making the trip to North Africa.


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