
DC Dynamics recorded its’ first ever win in the Accra Basketball League (ABL) Men’s Division I by beating Holy Family 40-39.The game which was played at the Prisons Court in Cantonments though high on intensity and commitment from both teams, was without much quality. Missed chances, loads of turnovers and bad shots characterized the game which was a low point on a night where quality basketball was rife in the preceding games.

The game’s scores pretty much summed up the low key offensive performance from the teams. At the end of the first quarter, Holy Family led 6-5 but fell a point short of tying the score at the end of the half with DC taking it 15-14.

A flurry of missed point blank layups at the rim from Family’s Franklyn Arhin ensured Dynamics was still in contention despite letting its lead slip. However, a technical foul on Family sent DC Point Guard Lantei to the free throw line and he converted two to give Dynamics the lead which they would hold onto for the win.

Dynamics’ win was deserved following two prior close losses to Reformers of Prisons and Teshie Rangers where the team held big leads.
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