The University of Professional Studies (UPSA) absence in the UPAC Championship is because they are scared of Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration’s (GIMPA) basketball team according to the latter’s former coach Clement Adu-Gyamfi.

The UPAC-Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges Basketball Championship is headlined by Rexona and begins today at the University of Ghana with GIMPA taking on Ho Polytechnic in the opening game in Zone A.

Ghana Technology University College (Accra) takes on Pentecost University College to complete the opening round of games. Pentecost University College replaced UPSA due to the latter’s withdrawal from the competition. UPSA was originally scheduled to host Zone A games but got stripped off its hosting rights due to the institutions basketball court which was deemded unfit to host games by tournament organizers Rite Sports Limited.

Speaking to, the former coach said:

“I can confidently say that UPSA are panicking meeting GIMPA again because last year we gave them a good them a good run for their money.”

UPSA’s withdrawal puts GIMPA in prime position to top the group and secure the sole ticket to the quarter finals.

The 2016 UPAC Championship is supported by Fanyogo, MTN and CAL Bank in partnership with, Y FM, TV3 and Ghana Sports.


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