Accra Poly wins 34-22

Game over

McMartey Lawer scores and gets fouled , misses it

Makes one, A Poly 34-20

Kwame Boamah gets fouled;to shoot two freethrows

Accra Poly tearing away from GIMPA score check 34-19

Kwame Boamah gets massive block

Makes both free throws to give Accra Poly 29-19 lead

Mutaleeb gets fouled on dunk attempt

Accra Poly utilizing bullet passes to quickly turn defense into offense

Accra Poly with 25-17 lead

End of third quarter

GIMPA calls timeout

Mutaleeb drops a hammer dunk and gets fouled

Like last season, GIMPA failing to utilize free throws

Sinks crucial three pointer to extend lead to 23-17

Farahat goes on scoring spree to extend A Poly’s lead

Accra Polytechnic lead 15-14

First half half ends

GIMPA’s Kwame Boamah gets called for travelling

Accra Polytechnic still lead game 15-14

Coach Lawal gets called for technical

GIMPA call timeout after 7-0 run by Accra Poly

Farahat scores his first three pointer of game

Accra Poly take lead on an emphatic dunk by Mutaleeb

Score check A Poly 8-9 GIMPA

Abdul Mutaleeb scores first points of second quarter

First Quarter ends A Poly 6-9 GIMPA

Score check A Poly 6-8 GIMPA

GIMPA timeout

McMartey Lawer fouls A Poly’s Farahat

A Poly’s Farahat shoots three pointer and misses

Nervous start by both teams

Score tied at 4 apiece

Next game up GIMPA V Accra Polytechnic

UPSA wins first warm up game of 2016 UPAC Championship

UPSA 27-21 Valley View

Game over

High scoring third quarter ups scores to 20 apiece in fourth quarter

Score check UPSA 12-13 Valley View

Half time

Good ball movement by Valley View result in four straight points

UPSA gain 8-7 lead and extend lead to 10-7 on a fastbreak


UPSA tie score on offensive rebound

Valley View still hold 4-0 lead

Bright Masi shoots a three pointer and misses

Fail to score both free throws

Valley View with a chance to register game’s first point

Warm up game between University of Professional Studies and Valley View University set to begin

Exhibition game between all star ladies team ends with Team Carlyn beating Team Skanty 15-3.


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