After landing their first ever Sprite Ball Championship in the Ashanti region, Coach Charles Darkwah, can now look ahead with so much pride and massive expectations ahead of the grand-finale in Accra.

The acid-tongue coach was the centre of cheers and boos from diverse fans as his antics and animations on the baseline caught on with the thousands of fans gathered at the venue.

His tactics on the day worked to perfection as his charges found their rhythm to exact a painful 19-15 success over their bitter rivals Prempeh College in the final last weekend. It was game that lived up to its pre-match hype as both teams displayed amazing character, team spirit and team chemistry on the court.

Power forwards Domepy David Edem and Obeng Jeffery set aside their struggles last term, rallying past their nemesis in an end-to end action on home soil.  

Prempeh College’s Prosper Baafi Nti missed two key jumpers at the end of regulation time and ‘Amanfo’ could never catch up after ‘Akatakyie’ pulled ahead in ovtertime.  

‘It’s a great feeling to be champions after the difficulties we went through last year and I’m happy we managed to win and especially it sweeter because it was against our rivals’. Darkwah said.

‘Hopefully this will spare us on to train harder because the grand-finale will be more competitive than what we witnessed here. It pits the best from eight regions against each other and you need to scale up your game to make a huge impression in the championship’.

‘We’ll salvo the moment but we’ll back to serious training. We’ll respect all the schools that will qualify but we won’t be afraid of any of them. We’re coming to do our best and win the title.’

The grand finale of the 2010 Sprite Ball Championship takes place at the El-Wak stadium on December 22-23rd.

Sprite Ball Championship 2010 is brought to you by Sprite, Sprite your thirst and supported by Indomie Instant Noodles- tastes great and DDP Outdoor. Media partners TV Africa and Graphic Sports. Sprite Ball 2010 Championship is powered by Rite Multimedia.


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