PELPUO-YAW POSTThe Acting Youth and Sports Minister Abdul Rashid Pelpuo has heaped massive praise on Rite Multimedia for successfully hosting another unrivalled basketball tournament in the country.

The affable minister made these comments when he lowered the curtain on the maiden U-18 basketball competition at the El-Wak Stadium on Friday September 4.

He also indicated government’s commitment to support Rite Multimedia in propagating the game of basketball to the highest level in the country.

Rite Multimedia who are leaders in Basketball development in Ghana organised a 13-week basketball tournament among 10 communities in the Greater Accra region and the response from crazy basketball fans was phenomenal.

The events and productions company say they will expand their tentacles for the next Community Dunks next year and hopes to rip in all the stakeholders involved as the company continues to develop the game at the grassroots.

Hon Rashid Pelpuo was full of praise for Rite Multimedia and insists the company’s name will be written in gold plate as far as the game of Basketball in the country is concerned.

‘I am particularly impressed with Rite Multimedia and what they are doing for basketball in the country and at the appropriate time government will acknowledge them in the basketball history’ Pelpuo told Basketballghana.

‘It is amazing and interesting to see an individual doing this kind of projects and what Mr. Yaw Sakyi is doing for Ghana Basketball is wonderful and we will give him all the support to continue in that positive direction.

‘What I can also say is that these players should continue to train hard and be good ambassadors for this nation.’

‘I am also surprised to see such a crowd here and I never even knew basketball had such following and so it tells you that with the needed support to Rite Multimedia, we can get back on track and have players representing us in future international tournaments.

‘We believe in given equal attention to the so-called lesser known sports and I think basketball will get our backing massively’.


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